Dear Customer,
The ERMO team and I are happy to wish you all the best. May this new year 2018 bring you health, happiness and success in your personal and professional projects.
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the ERMO company was ceded by INGLASS to the ERMO management in December 2017, with myself as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
The management team's project, involving all ERMO staff, is based on a simple and efficient organization that is adapted to the size of the company, in order to be more responsive and flexible and thus deliver quality moulds and services in the shortest time possible.
Strengthened by the values of passion, teamwork, respect, trust and performance, ERMO's management remains at your disposal for any further information.
Thank you in advance for all the confidence you place in us;
Please accept, Dear Customer, our most sincere greetings.
Maurizio Del Nevo
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
