A la Une

Plastiques-Caoutchoucs : Fev. 2019
Le système de vérification de l’alignement du moule Mac2S que commercialise Ermo lui permet de doubler la garantie offerte à ses clients

DeviceMed JAN-FEV 2019
Article paru dans le magazine DeviceMEd de Janvier-Février 2019, p.39

ADF-PCD Paris 2019
ADF&PCD Paris est considéré comme le rendez-vous professionnel incontournable plébiscité par les marques et l’industrie packaging des cosmétiques, aérosols et systèmes de dispensation.
Cliquez pour plus d'informations et une place gratuite !

ArabPlast 2019, the largest trade expo for plastics, petrochemicals and rubber industry in the MENA region, is set to bring together key players and experts in the sector from around the world in Dubai in early January.
Arabplast is ranked as No. 1 show in the region in plastics, petrochemicals and rubber and related industry.
The trade expo shall showcase innovative ideas, technologies and new products in the wide spread sectors of plastics, petrochemicals and rubber viz. plastic machinery, plastic/rubber processing technology, pre and post-processing systems, plastic packaging technology, injection moulding, blow moulding, wrapping technology, extrusions, chemicals and additives, semi-finished goods, engineering plastics and plastic products, and more!
Come meet ERMO, we will be exhibiting on Booth 4D33!
You can visit our company's page here